Times are tough. Even though Rolex prices keep falling, it’s best not to roll out of your home with your Rollie these days if you’re a Manhattan resident. According to the NYPD, a dangerous thief is wanted in connection to three AAA best Rolex replica watches robberies.

The thefts aren’t just hold ups, police say. The suspect is said to put victims in chokeholds until they pass out and then makes off with their UK cheap Rolex fake watches. On Sunday July 14, in the wee hours of the morning around 2:40 a.m., a 27-year-old sporting $14,000 Rolex copy watches for sale was targeted on 42 Morton Street in the West Village. The thief followed suit on Friday, August 9 around 1:00 a.m., when he stole another $14,000 Rolex off of a 26-year-old man riding the subway on the No. 1 train at the 14th Street train stop. The suspect’s perfect replica Rolex watches tear took off from his first reported theft, which was a $300 Orient watch stolen from a 29-year-old at 147 Christopher Street. Given the watch brand’s Rolex-influenced design, it’s possible the thief thought he was making away with another timepiece from the Crown.

The news follows other reports of Rollie thefts in the Big Apple from earlier this summer when outdoor diners were targeted for their wrist candy—also in the West Village—at restaurants like Carbone and Marlow & Sons. In those robberies, two suspects were working together and it wasn’t just high quality Rolex super clone watches UK they were after—they also made off with other coveted high-end brands like Audemars Piguet and, in one case, a $100,000 Patek Philippe stolen at gunpoint.
The moral of the story? Keep your Swiss movements fake Rolex watches at home for now, and definitely don’t wear it out for a night of partying on the mean streets of Manhattan…particularly, the West Village/Union Square neighborhoods, where the robberies appear to keep happening.